Setup CodeIgniter on Local or Remote Server

CodeIgniter is light weight Open source powerful PHP Framework for web application development. It has many powerful features that make it popular. CodeIgniter is more compatible with any type of hosting and it has a very low footprint.  It is also compatible with PHP4 and PHP5, so CodeIgniter can run on most of the web hosts out of there.

The main principle of CodeIgniter is MVC (Model View Controler) design pattern, Which segregates your application into three deferent parts:

  1. Model — Model is the database abstraction layer where all database operations are performed.
  2. View — View is the front end user interface or template from where users interact with the application.
  3. Controllers — Controllers are the logic of your application from where your entire application directives are operated.

CodeIgniter has inbuilt libraries and helpers for the database, URL, cache etc that make it easier, effective and less coding Framework rather than other Frameworks. Now move on and setup CodeIgniter on your local environment.

Setup CodeIgniter on Windows Environment:

1: First of all install and setup XMPP server for windows. Click here to download XAMPP

XAMPP Download Xampp Setup
2: Download CodeIniter Framework stable version. Click here to download

3: Now unzip your CodeIgniter application into htdocs folder of XAMPP application (By Default C:\XAMPP\htdocs).

CodeIgniter Location
4: Configure your CodeIgniter application. (Click Here to view Basic Configuration of CodeIgniter application)

Setup CodeIgniter on Linux Environment(Ubuntu):

1: First of all setup LAMP Stack on your Linux System Click here to view LAMP setup or you install and setup XMPP server for Linux also. Click here to download XAMPP for Linux
2: Download CodeIniter Framework stable version. Click here to download.
3: Now unzip your CodeIgniter application into your document root folder or place in htdocs folder in case of  XAMPP application (By Default C:\XAMPP\htdocs).
4: Configure your CodeIgniter application. (Click Here to view Basic Configuration of CodeIgniter application)

Setup CodeIgniter on Linux Shared host Environment:

1: Login your Shared Host using FTP or SFTP find your Document Root Directory
2: Download CodeIniter Framework stable version. Click here to download.
3: Now upload and unzip your CodeIgniter application into your document root folder.
4: Configure your CodeIgniter application. (Click Here to view Basic Configuration of CodeIgniter application)

See this Video for Setup CodeIgniter Windows Environment with XAMPP:

My recommendation for Beginner to use XAMPP either windows or Linux for startup. Hope this article helpfull to you. If you have any query please leave a comment in the comment section below:

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Subroto Mondal

Chief Coordinator HR&CR
I like Programming and New Technologies. And work with Linux.


  • Hello
    Now CodeIgniter 4.x is out there and so I refer to CodeIgniter 4.x

    I have the need to develop a small app that will be used SIMULTANEOUSLY on local LAN from some few computers but needs to be used from my colleagues from their laptops

    We have fixed IP in our internet connection

    How would you kindly manage this simultaneous use? I can setup a virtual host in apache but then?

    Thank you for any kind help for the solution

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