Print sum of two or more number

Write a c program that takes two or more numbers from the user then print the sum of these number.

This c language program performs the basic arithmetic operation of addition on two numbers and then prints the sum on the screen. For example, if the user entered two numbers as 2, 4 then 6 (2 + 4) will be printed on the screen.

C programming code

int main()
   int a, b, c;
   printf("Enter two numbers to add\n");
   c = a + b;
   printf("Sum of entered numbers = %d\n",c);
   return 0;

Output of program:

add output

In the expression (c = a + b) overflow may occur if the sum of a and b is larger than maximum value which can be stored in variable c.

Addition without using the third variable

   int a = 1, b = 2;
   /* Storing result of addition in variable a */
   a = a + b;
   /** Not recommended because original value of a is lost 
    *  and you may be using it somewhere in code considering it
    *  as it was entered by the user.
   printf("Sum of a and b = %d\n", a);
   return 0;

C program to add two numbers repeatedly

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int a, b, c;
   char ch;
   while (1) {
      printf("Inut two integers\n");
      scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
      c = a + b;
      printf("(%d) + (%d) = (%d)\n", a, b, c);
      printf("Do you wish to add more numbers (y/n)\n");
      scanf("%c", &ch);
      if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
   return 0;

Output of program:

Inut two integers
2 6
(2) + (6) = (8)
Do you wish to add more numbers (y/n)
Inut two integers
2 -6
(2) + (-6) = (-4)
Do you wish to add more numbers (y/n)
Inut two integers
-5 3
(-5) + (3) = (-2)
Do you wish to add more numbers (y/n)
Inut two integers
-5 -6
(-5) + (-6) = (-11)
Do you wish to add more numbers (y/n)

Adding numbers in c using function

long addition(long, long);
   long first, second, sum;
   scanf("%ld%ld", &first, &second);
   sum = addition(first, second);
   printf("%ld\n", sum);
   return 0;
long addition(long a, long b)
   long result;
   result = a + b;
   return result;

We have used long data type as it can handle large numbers if you want to add still larger numbers which don’t fit in long range then use an array, string or other data structure.

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Subroto Mondal

Chief Coordinator HR&CR
I like Programming and New Technologies. And work with Linux.

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