The Apache is the world most popular Http server which serves web content to the Internet since 1995. And become leading web server in the world. An o…
LAMP Stack is very popular open source web platform which is commonly used to run web servers. The word LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP o…
System Monitoring is a routine task for a system administrator. As a system administrator, you'll need the ability to find out what is happening on yo…
VMWare tools is a set of driver and utilities that enhance the performance of a guest system. And make the smooth interaction between a host system an…
This tutorial shows you how to enable root user on Ubuntu 16.04.1 Lts. Nowadays Ubuntu becomes a trend on people. Ubuntu community releases their vers…
In general, we know that Operator is a person who operates equipment or a machine. for a programming language, Operator is a symbol that tails compile…