MySQL Replication is a method, which uses for sync database two or more replica servers. Typically it's known as "Master-Slave" Replication. (more&hel…
We all know that the Microsoft Office is one of the most popular Office Package because of its interface and user-friendly tools. Also, we all know th…
It is about Install Laravel. Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applic…
Creating your own libraries: You can easily create your own libraries. The first step in creating a library is to create a file inside the System/appl…
CodeIgniter library: A CodeIgniter library is simply a class file that abstracts functionality into easy-to-use functions that take much of the strain…
Route configuration generally used for remapping URL string. Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between an URL string and its corresponding …
Everyone should want to remove trailing index php from URL after installing CodeIgniter. Removing Index.php from URL, it looks clean and more search e…
In continuation of basic configuration tutorial, now we are going to configure our database for the web application. The database is most important (B…